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This property was once a well established bar and grill it has history. It has been partly renovated. With a little TLC it could be a bar and grill yet again or made into another business. Afton is a strong community with a lot of support for local businesses. it sets on the square in Afton with plenty of public parking. Come take a look you wont be disappointed.

10 large hotel rooms with full baths. Flooring is a little dated but otherwise are ready to rent. Four pairs have connecting doors. Some beds/bed frames, multiple apartment refrigerators, dressers, small round tables/ chairs. Multiple water heaters. Motel rooms are scarce in Creston. $100 per night X 10 rooms X 30 days X 12 months = $360,000. $335,000 asking price - building paid for!! What you do with the main floor can pay the operating expenses.
Fabulous opportunity to start a restaurant with equipment in place. Includes 2 hot buffet tables, 1 cold buffet, ice cream cabinet, pop dispenser, rice steamers, grill with sprinklers, commercial dishwasher and stainless steel sinks required. Meat slicer and stainless work tables, shelving. Walk-in cooler. Separate open party room plus large meeting room/convention space with separate entrance.
Open a gym - plenty of exercise equipment in the basement.